Free Week At Summer Camp Competition Details

The early bird gets the worm! In this case, the early bird gets the chance to win a free week at the RAF National Player Development Camps this summer (a £220 value). In order to qualify for the competition, you need to attend the Cadette Women's Final at 10:00am on Saturday.

  • If you are between the ages of 12 and 18, all you need to do is fill out a slip with you name and e-mail address.
  • We will draw 4 particpants to join us on the floor to take part in a short basketball skill competition which will involve dribbling and shooting.
  • The winner of the competition will be awarded a free week at the RAF National Player Development Camps!
Forget about the worm go get yourself a spot in the best basketball camp in the country! See you on the court.

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