Food is fuel!
Camp Meals
Kilgraston school cafeteria does a wonderful job and campers can look forward to some great meals there. All campers will receive three full meals per day. On Thursday, when camp closes, all players will be provided with a dinner for take away so they can refuel on their way home. The tuck shop and pizza scheme are optional for players who wish to have additional snacks.
Tuck Shop
We are going to work very hard at camp to make you the best player you can be. This will require you to have the energy to work through all of the sessions to the best of your ability. This means you are going to need some serious fuel!
The camp will have a tuck shop available to purchase snacks to keep you going throughout the day and to refuel in the evening. We believe in the importance of proper nutrition so we will seek out the healthiest options we can. There will be sweets too, but we want you to have the option.

In the evenings, after a long and fun day of basketball, you need to refuel with carbohydrates. We have arranged a deal with Dominos Pizza in Perth to provide pizzas at a reduced rate to campers in the evening after the final sessions.
Camper can order pizzas at throughout the day at the tuck shop for £8.50 for one topping medium (pizzas are regularly £9.99).